Work with me +

build your brand

While you show up for your community, let me show up for you.

Go from

— struggling to find your fans, googling algorithm changes, + feeling burnt out

To this

— having a trusted expert in your corner that connects you with your community + helps you do what you love!

What People Are Saying


“Okay who just got that pretty [event name] email in their inbox?! Can I get a HELL YES on behalf of Tori Campbell for her great work on these emails? That subject line certainly got me to open it - love the strategy and loveeee the pretty design too!”

— Jennifer M.

“I just want to take a second to shout out Tori for all the amazing work she's doing with our social media pages. I've been meaning to say this for the last month or so but I'm so impressed with what you've done. The content is creative, relevant, engaging and consistent (!!). I hardly use the IG stories feature but I actually look forward to seeing what [company name] posts lol. This social media stuff is not easy... Seriously, GREAT WORK.”

— Lissa A.

“I think this looks so great! Thank goodness for Tori…. PUMPED to have these skills on the team!”

“Thanks for getting this done so proactively Tori. You are on it!!!”

— Kassie C.

What I offer

Holistic marketing


  • Social media marketing

  • Email marketing

  • Website management, SEO

  • & more

Graphic design


  • Brand & logo design

  • Print & digital materials

  • & more

Website design


  • SEO

  • UX design

  • Copywriting

  • & more

Public relations


  • Crisis PR

  • PR strategy

  • & more